Monday, November 17, 2014

Trading Stocks and Comedy.

John Cleese released his memoirs recently, and reflected on how the broader loss of general knowledge in society has limited a wider variety of jokes from working.

People once knew where places, and whom historical people were, to make relevant jokes for instance that might fail these days.  He even went on to say that Monty Python Fans were very smart fans, and he has pride in his fan base for that.  Could "Life of Bryan" have worked without a historical context known to viewers?

Part of the problem is "lack of curiosity about important information that does not directly apply to their lives," he said.

"What people don't get about wealth is that it's very boring." (At least in accumulating it, and what you need to do to make it).  He also feels, “people that are obsessed with themselves will not have the energy to deal with other things or people in the world that are important.”

The Gen Y's are currently very uninvested in the market, having come of age though the GFC, and are very distrustful of investing, wealthy investors and banks.

However, they will eventually come to the market to trade and invest, but how will they do it?

Surely social sentiment through Apps, and social networking will play a greater role than in the past, I would think.  Stocktwits, Twitter, FB or something new will be playing a greater role in investment choices.

But will that mean, that they are simply the biggest Trend Followers of all time? Will trading on hyper social sentiment, with no historical context, be the norm?  Will they have the patience to hold long term investments at all, that are mundane and not receiving any social focus?

Or perhaps, have younger, new investors never been any different?

"An Irishman, an American and John Cleese carrying a dead parrot, walk into a Bar...."

The problem is, the two mid-twenty year old guys I worked with today, didn't know who John Cleese was when I asked them, or showed them his picture in the paper.......

Joke Wasted!!!  Opportunity Lost.  Carry On.

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